2G Sunset Europe and LPG tank monitoring

2G Sunset Europe and LPG tank monitoring: how to keep your fleet maintained?
With the 2G and 3G phase-out in Europe, many mobile operators such as Orange, SFR and Bouygues in France have started to close their networks. The technology transition is a major issue for many sectors, 2G Sunset Europe and LPG tank monitoring, will therefore be impacted simultaneously.
This means that the old sensors used to monitor LPG tanks and other liquids will soon no longer be operational. Customers, such as gas distributors like SHV Energy (Primagaz), UGI International (Antargaz), Rubis Energie (Vitogaz), DCC (Butagaz) and others, are therefore faced with the dilemma of keeping their tank fleets maintained.
2G Sunset Europe and LPG tank monitoring: we will take a closer look at the impact of the 2G shutdown on LPG tank monitoring. The alternative technologies available, and the solutions that FOUR DATA offers to help customers keep their tank fleets in proper working condition.
Why do operators decide to shut down 2G/3G networks?
In the US, the major mobile operators, AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile, have already announced 3G phase-out dates for this year. In Europe, many countries have also started to phase out old communication technologies. Switzerland, Germany, the Czech Republic, and even the UK are all in the process of phasing out one or other of the technologies.
In France, Bouygues plans to switch off the 2G network by the end of 2026 and 3G by the end of 2029, while SFR has announced that it will switch off 2G by 2026 and 3G by 2028. Orange is expected to cut 2G in 2025 and 3G in 2026. Although the transition in France is a few years later than in other countries, it is still inevitable. This transition has important implications for LPG tank farm owners and managers, who need to ensure that their tank monitoring sensors are still working properly after the 2G/3G cut-off.
Operators have taken the decision to focus on long-term technologies, including 4G deployed to 99.5% of the French population and 5G being deployed, as have other operators. This focus will also allow operators to enhance their existing connectivity by reusing the low band (900 MHz) of 2G/3G for 4G/5G networks, thus optimising the use of their spectrum portfolio to meet their customers’ needs. This will also enhance the security of operators’ technologies.
Sensors on the market and the future of LPG tank monitoring
The network evolutions already available or to be launched:
With the phasing out of 2G/3G in France, gas tanks with old sensors will need to be equipped with new communication solutions to keep the tank fleet active. Fortunately, there are a variety of new communication technologies on the market today that can be used to provide effective gas tank monitoring.
New communication solutions such as LTE-M CAT 1, NB-IOT and Kineis satellite communication have emerged in the market.
- LTE-M CAT 1 is a long-range communication technology that offers low-cost data connectivity and minimal power consumption, making it an ideal solution for gas level telemetry applications.
- NB-IOT is a low power communication technology specifically designed for connected objects that require low power consumption.
- Finally, Kineis satellite communication provides global connectivity for connected objects, offering a reliable solution for tanks located in areas with poor network coverage.
Market sensors for GPL tank monitoring:
Several types of sensors for monitoring gas tanks exist, here are some examples:

- Ultrasonic gauges: These gauges use sound waves to measure the distance between the gauge and the liquid in the tank. Brands that offer them include Piusi, Bayham, and Kingspan.

- Radar gauges: These gauges use radar waves to measure the distance between the gauge and the liquid in the tank. Brands that offer them include Endress+Hauser, Emerson, and Siemens.

- Differential pressure gauges: These gauges measure the differential pressure between two points on the tank to deduce the liquid level. Brands that offer them include Rosemount, VEGA, and Krohne

- Float gauges: These gauges use a float to measure the liquid level in the tank. Brands that offer them include Rochester Gauges, Drexelbrook, and Franklin Fueling Systems.
Although these gauges are a proven and widely used solution in the LPG industry, their compatibility with future communication networks remains uncertain…
Anticipate the 2G Sunset Europe and LPG tank monitoring with Four Data!
In conclusion, the transition to next generation communication networks such as LTE-M CAT 1, NB-IOT and Kineis Satellite is inevitable. It is important that companies using LPG or other liquids tanks monitor their fleet and update sensors accordingly. With the progressive stop of 2G/3G in Europe, many companies will be confronted with problems of maintenance of their tanker park. FOUR DATA offers innovative and reliable solutions based on these new communication technologies to help customers to replace old sensors and keep their tank fleet in good working order.
By working with FOUR DATA, customers can be confident that they have the most up-to-date tools to monitor their tank fleet remotely, improve operational efficiency and avoid problems related to LPG storage and distribution. The new technologies offer a viable solution to monitor tanks remotely and provide accurate data in real time.
Ultimately, keeping your tank fleet maintained is essential to ensure safe operation and avoid any potential LPG storage and distribution issues. With FOUR DATA’s expertise in the design and integration of connected sensors and custom device management platforms, customers can be confident that they have the best solutions to monitor their tank fleet and optimize their operational efficiency.